I also did two poster type drawings of Greeks ravaged by smallpox. I only have a photo of one, however

I ended up creating a book documenting Galen's observations of small pox, using these spreads. The texture was supposed to represent  the progression of the disease. Unfortunately I haven't been able to include the writing but you probably get the idea.

After doing a bit of background research I found that the aspect of Galen's life I was most drawn to was his association with the Antonine Plague (or the plague of Galen) which is widely acknowledged to be the first recorded outbreak of SMALLPOX.

 This is my final project of my first year at Camberwell. The whole thing was based around the life of Claudius Galon who was a Greek physician  writing around   100AD. He moved around the Roman empire throughout his life and eventually became personal doctor to emperors Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus. Born in modern day Turkey he moved  to Egypt and then Rome. I started by drawing everything I could find from that era, from telly programs about Rome to artefacts in museums.